2007 International Essay Contest for Young People
Young people up to 25 years old from around the world are invited to submit
their creative ideas on the theme: "The role of media and information and
communication technologies in building a peaceful world". What should be the
role of the media and communication technologies in the future? How would you
make use of these various tools of communication to help create a better world?
The first prize winners will receive a cash award and a trip to Japan. The
winners will be announced in November 2007 on the web sites of the Goi Peace
Foundation and of UNESCO.
The deadline for entry is 30 June 2007.
The contest is organised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) and the Goi Peace Foundation.
All necessary information (application form, guidelines, prizes, etc.) is
available on:
Related information:
Goi Peace Foundation