The Police Have Committed No Grave Disciplinary Violations: The Police’s Response to CSI President’s Message

On June 25 of this year “Civil Society Institute” NGO President Arman
Danielyan addressed a letter to Vladimir Gasparyan, the Head of the RA Police.
In his letter Mr. Danielyan expressed his concern over the actions of the
police and suggested launching disciplinary proceedings against policemen,
responsible for maintaining the public order who used force against the
demonstrators during the protest against the increased electricity prices.

In the response of the juridical office of the RA Police it is
mentioned that: “At the moment the RA Police is carrying out an investigation
concerning the events of June 23 at Saryan 22 address. After summing up the
results of the investigation the accused will be examined by the Disciplinary Committee
of the police in accordance with the law in case any grave disciplinary
violations are revealed during the investigation“.

It is to be mentioned that since May 8, 2014 “Civil Society Institute”
has been engaged in the Disciplinary Committee of the RA police as an NGO. In
his letter Arman Danielyan, the President of the organization, has also
expressed uncertainty concerning the fact that up to date the Committee has
held no sittings and if there have been any he wasn’t informed about such.

The juridical
office clarifies:  “A committee sitting
has not been held yet since the disciplinary violations committed by the
policemen involved in maintaining public order during the assemblies were not grave.
The case was examined in accordance with the law without presenting it to the
discussion of the Committee”.

In fact,
according to the police there have been no grave disciplinary violations
committed by the policemen during peaceful assemblies at least for the past two

Anyway, it is interesting to take the opinion of the police concerning
their actions of June 23 in Saryan Street.

It is to be recalled that on that day a number of citizens with
corporal injuries reported to the RA Special Investigation Service. Using the
prepared materials the SIS has initiated a criminal case according to Part 2 of
Article 309 of the RA Criminal Code (
exceeding official authorities using violence). A
preliminary investigation is being carried out. There have been no official statements
concerning charges brought against the policemen within the scope of the case.