New Penitentiary and Probation Strategy– challenges and solutions

A conference on “New penitentiary and probation strategy – challenges and solutions” took place on April 13, 2022 in Yerevan.
The speakers at the conference were Arpine Sargsyan, Deputy Minister of Justice, Artak Kirakosyan, Director of the Civil Society Institute and Arshak Gasparyan, Director of the Social Justice NGO. Representatives of both state bodies and NGOs participated to the conference.
During the conference Arpine Sargsyan presented the 2021 Annual Report on the Four-Year Penitentiary Strategy․ The implementation of 23 measures provided for by the four-year strategy in the field of the execution of sentences and probation for 2021, approved by the Government, was discussed (link՝, including optimization of penitentiaries, equipping penitentiaries with modern engineering equipment, insertion of e-gov systems, educational programs, affordable conditions provision for people with disabilities, provision of quality medical care and services to people deprived of liberty, suicide and self-harm prevention measures, equipment the probation service with electronic monitoring systems, awareness-raising programs aimed at ensuring zero-tolerance policy towards criminal subculture in the society etc.
At the same time, the proposed changes in the existing penitentiary and probation strategy were discussed. The directions and targets of new long-term penitentiary and probation strategy were outlined.
During the conference Artak Kirakosyan presented the strategic guidelines developed within the framework of the AISPIRA program and Arshak Gasparyan presented the goals and objectives of EU funded “Justice Reform Monitoring in Armenia” (JUREMONIA) program, discussed the problems of existing strategy and presented the proposed changes.
This conference was held with the financial support of the European Union and co-financed by AISPIRA. Its contents are the sole responsibility of CSI and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union.